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Thursday, 21 June 2012


We all get misunderstood sometimes. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. But life is a funny world from which we are the main idiots. We are always the ridicule of fun whether we like it or not.

We have to take it on he chin. Get over it. Build a bridge and all that.

What you say might not be what the person you speaks to actually hears. They may hear a version of what you said and decipher it differently. A bit like Chinese whispers that we used to play when we were younger.

I recently asked a lady of American descent coming to Ireland, if she'd like the culinary usual of Chicken or Beef during the meal service.

"Excuse me Madam, would you like Chicken or Beef?"

"Wha??? I can't hear you!!"

"If you could just remove your headphones for just a second and press pause on your TV. Thanks for that - would you like Chicken or Beef?"

"What did you say about my feet???"

That actually happened. That's just a typical example of miscommunication. Wars have started over less.

Or my favourite, which I said to a fellow colleague just recently.

She stepped in between myself and another male steward and said "sorry".

I said in my usual Navan-ish accent "And so you should be!"

This came out like "And so chubby".

I never meant ANY insult toward my fellow colleague, who seemed instantly insulted by the accusation.

After corretcing my colleague who thought I had slighted her, I did apologise - even though I had done feck all wrong.

We really have to watch what we say. But then again, some people don't listen properly.

Or maybe I should get elocution lessons.

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