Work Idiots.
We all work with idiots. No matter what your job is in life, you have a work colleague that is a bit of an imbecile. There's no getting away from that fact - they are everywhere.
Whether they are more junior or senior to you makes no difference - their very presence makes your skin crawl or makes you suppress your rage. But you maintain and control those little bits of anger hiding beneath your apparent calm exterior - because you are the better person.
They are the one person you meet in a hallway that you don't want to meet - and it always happens at the most inconvenient time for you. You say hi to each other - but you are muttering multiple expletives under your breath after you pass them.
They are the person who loans your stapler and never puts it back where they took it from. They are the people who mess up in front of your bosses and who never seem to get punished for it. If that was you, you'd get demoted, put on probation or get the sack. But not these plonkers - they probably don't even see the stupidity of their actions.
Or my favourite idiot - the person that constantly does things slowly and incorrectly - and then gets promoted. That makes me want to pull all strands of my hair out - one by one.
No doubt, I have this ability to make people's skin itch. There are plenty of people in my workplace that probably think I'm an idiot. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I probably think the same about them too.
You are never going to get on with all people in life. Especially your work colleagues - life just doesn't work that way. In life we can just walk away if someone is annoying you. But at work, you have to see these people everyday. And every day you spend in their presence builds your resentment toward them. How you deal with it reflects on you as a person.
We are all individuals with different opinions and values in life - not everyone will agree with another person's take on life. That's what makes us unique - the ability to think for oneself. Those that get influenced unduly by others are sometimes too afraid to make up their own mind for themselves. That's where bullies get their way - they can sense an opportunity to strike and influence someone. And this is what gets me boiling - the bullies.
There are those that love an altercation - whether it be physical or verbal - to get them through the day.
They love the interaction and provocation involved. That gets their juices flowing. They just love making someone else's work or life miserable. But remember that all that hate and resentment will eventually eat them up inside, and you will come out the far side a better person.
I hate to see injustice and unfairness, but it exists in every workplace. The longer I live on this planet, I'm coming around to the conclusion that it's not what you know, but who you know. That may sound a touch cynical, but I'm also realistic. I know it impinges on my (relatively) positive outlook on life, but not everything is actually sweetness and light.
The one certainty in life that I truly believe in is karma.
How you treat others reflects on you. Sometimes we all get frustrated with karma's actions and inactions.
But remember that karma does come around in the end. It might take its' time, but it gets there.
Eventually you get the satisfaction of saying "about feckin' time he/she got their comeuppance."
And then you will smile. A warm self-satisfied grin will cross your face.
You were right - they are a complete arsehole.
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