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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The Circle of Life.

There is nothing like the smell of a newborn baby's head. Even if you don't particularly like infants or children, there is nothing quite like that fresh scent that makes you smile. Apart from chocolate obviously - but that's a chemical reaction. Baby head smelling is just amazing.

I had the ultimate pleasure of meeting my niece for the first time, on Sunday night. She is beautiful of course, but I expected no less as I am related to her of course! All babies are gorgeous no matter what they look like. Their need to be held, and dependence on others for their formative months makes them vulnerable and innocent.

Even though my niece was only twenty-four hours old, she really did take your breath away - and that was nothing to do with the smell of the first few vicious nappies.

She was calm and quiet the entire time. My sister said that she had been like that since the moment she arrived into this world. She was very content and gripped you tight, still craving touch and contact. I sat happily for those two hours absorbing her innocence and fragility.

We all have to be reminded from time to time about the gift of life. I'm not getting all religious and pontificating like a self righteous eejit here. But while I snuggled up to the most recent addition of our extended family in the warmth of a maternity ward - my wife that morning had attended the removal of her good friend's father, in the cold space of a front room laden with heavy sighs.

It's only when you attend the funeral of someone you love, that you start to ponder your own mortality. It's only then when you start to wonder what you've done so far with your life. Have you wasted large chunks of it? Or have you actually made the most of your life so far?

I know I've wasted several parts of my life doing stupid stuff. Nothing illegal, but just plain damn wasteful at times. So as I'm about to turn 37, it ends now. Enough faffing around.

I'm not going to be more conservative nor adventurous. I'm not going to risk life and limb just to get a thrill. I'm just going to respect life and treat it like tomorrow may be my last. Although I hope that doesn't happen - as I have to get the car serviced next week and that car won't drive itself.

One death, one birth in the space of a day. Life is fleeting and precious - but we still have to enjoy it.

Finding the happy medium -  is that key to your own happiness.

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